Building a GPX route from Google MyMaps
Before we start, here are some interesting links to GPS exchange files:
A] First, prepare the route waypoints using Google MyMaps
Why start in Google My Maps... because you take advantage from all the powerful Google search capability, to find places, camping's, hotel, eyesight's, parks... along your journey.
1- Create a new map in your Google MyMaps.
2- Add the approximate route.
3- Search and add key points of interest to stop or pass by (waypoints).
4- Review the waypoints:
- prefix with "(DISCARD)" the waypoint names to not consider (yet) in the final route
- prefix with a 4 digit number, "DNNN-", to order the retained waypoints names
. use D to specify the day, for a multi-day journey
. numbered NNN by step of 10, in case you later add intermediate points
5- Add more, remove, adjust... until satisfaction

6- Finally export the waypoints only to a KML file - let say MyWaypoints.kml

B] Second, generate a GPS eXchange (GPX) file
The GPX file is an XML file that contains 3 main types of information: waypoints, tracks, and routes.
Tracks are made of track segments, themselves composed of successive connected track points.
A track is usually made of numerous dense points and is used to record positions.
Routes are made of successive connected route points - typically distant points.
The route is typically generated or loaded and used by GPS and GPS software which then calculates best itinerary between the route points.
1- If not done, install GPSBabel and add the path in your system environment variable.
GPSBabel is the Swiss knife software for GPS file manipulations and conversions.
Then in a directory, create a batch file named ConvertKML2GPX.bat.
Edit the file and copy/paste the following:
set babelin=%1
set babelrteout=".\Route.gpx"
set babelwptout=".\tmpsort.gpx"
GPSBabel.exe -w -i kml -f %babelin% -x simplify,count=0 -x transform,rte=trk,del -x transform,trk=rte,del -x sort,shortname -x discard,matchname=(DISCARD)* -o gpx -F %babelwptout%
GPSBabel.exe -w -i gpx -f %babelwptout% -x transform,rte=wpt -o gpx -F %babelrteout%
del %babelwptout%
2- Drag and drop your MyWaypoints.kml onto the ConvertKML2GPX.bat
You now have a new Route.gpx in the directory!
The GPX file contains the waypoints and a route solely made of them.

3- Drag and drop your MyWaypoints.kml onto the ConvertKML2GPX.bat
You now have a new Route.gpx in the directory!
The GPX file contains the waypoints and a route solely made of them.
C] Edit / load / use the GPX file
The GPX file can now be used with most GPS devices and software.
However you may want to re-edit review the route, and add few additional "via" waypoints to constraint the route calculation.
For example, load and edit the GPX in the online editor Kurviger :

Once the edition is completed, you can then export the new route to a GPX file.
You can finally load the GPX directly to your GPS device or via its software interface.
Note that your GPS may calculate, between waypoints, a different route than Kurviger or Google, based on its own settings (fast itinerary,...) and traffic information.